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Project Sulphur


Project type



Web / PC & PS4

Technology used

C#, Lua
Atlassian JIRA, Google Suite
Website / UI
Node.js / HTML5, CSS3, ES6 / WPF

Production date

September 2017 - June 2018

Team size



Project Sulphur is the result of a year-long project where we create a custom, open-source 3D game engine running on PC and PS4. It includes an editor, scripting capabilities, physics, rendering, animations and a unique feature we call the “Sulphur Rewinder”, which allows the developer to rewind the game at any time. Our target is to build a demo game within the engine to submit to the Dutch Game Awards 2018.

My responsibilities


I have designed the entire User Interface for the editor. My main concern was to create an interface which was efficient to use whilst retaining intuitivity and usability. I’ve studied several other engine editors and general practices. From there, I applied my knowledge to create a coherent, efficient and intuitive interface, allowing most people to use it without too much of a learning curve.

Web presence

The website was built completely from the ground up, single-handedly by myself. It has a simple content management system for our blog posts, allowing everyone on the team to add, edit or remove them. Furthermore, it is responsive to any screen size and allows people to sign up for email notifications whenever a new blog is posted.

This all is created with NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3 and JS (ES6).

Scrum master

For a good portion of this project, I have been the scrum master. This meant multiple things, including organizing stand-ups (both physically and remotely), make sure the scrum board (JIRA) was correctly maintained by all team members and help out the product owner where necessary. I have been checking up on all members to make sure they did they work as mentioned and rewarding them when work has been done up to standards.
