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Project type

Professional (internship)



Technology used

Ember 3.5, ES6, SVG, Sass; JIRA

Employment period

September 2018 - January 2019


Bizzscore is an Enterprise Performance Management package developed by Axians. It is a business solution that aims to improve insight and accessibility to one's data. It has several components to achieve this, one of these being a strategy map viewer and editor. With these charts, a company can create a strategy (a sort of flow-chart-like structure) using the key performance indicators that they have. These indicators are integrated in the strategy map, and updated whenever new data is entered.

My responsibilities

Strategy maps

After being briefed with the general idea for the strategy map viewer & editor, it was up to me to create everything from scratch. The only conditions were that it had to be in the Ember framework that already existed, work smoothly and look good. After a bit of research, I decided that using SVG as the main way of displaying the map was the best way to go. It allows for a lot of freedom when it comes to positioning, it works with all browsers and of course is very scalable.

Along the way, I picked up how to use the Ember framework and built new features as re-usable components. The state-action-model pattern is very useful, especially for two-way binding. This allows many editor capabilities to be easily implemented, such as resizing items, changing position by value and many more.


Alongside the strategy maps, I also had to test the features that I had built. This was partially done through writing unit-, integration- and acceptance tests. Over the course of my internship, I wrote more than 50 tests to ensure that my code was stable and would remain so. Using the QUnit testing framework, every merge request would automatically be running all the tests to make sure the master branch remains stable.